Sunday, February 19, 2006


Mary and Maureen

As Mary Matalin appeared on NBC, today, to Meet the Press, the press (, David Gregory, Tim Russert) met Mary Matalin.

It was inspiring to see Mary Matalin, wife of Democtratic Commentator (Press), policy-designer (opposition party), and operator (political assasin), James Carville, carve up her rabid opponents on today's edition of Meet the Press concerning last week's vice-presidential non-crisis accidental shooting incident. She showed America and the world what ingnorant fools the left-wing press are.

Dowdy-Girl could not compete with Matalin's simple, truthful anwers and explanations as to why the hunting misfortune was really a non-story. She continued to attempt to paint as "secretive" (quite a laugh coming from an admirer of the Clinton administration-remember Vince Foster?). Her hatred for the truth and her desire to make something out of nothing was blaringly apparent as was her comrade-in-arms, David Gregory.

Russert showed a clip of Hillary Clinton's political rant adressing the non-story. Billary also accused the vice-president's office as being "secretive" and "non-disclosing". Shouldn't somebody call her on that? (Remember the shredded documents from "Whitewater"?)

Shows like Meet the Press and Harball with Chris Matthews encourage this old libertarian; they herald the left's unreasonable and unquestionable insanity.

As a liberal I hope the Right handles every news story in the famous Cheney/Matalin style.

First hide, then ignore, then lie, then attack the victim, then switch to being humble, then lie some more, then claim there really isn't any story at all and there is something wrong with anyone who thinks there is.

This has been one long screwup. From the time he had his first beer that fateful day, until today.
He (and his people) are still making misjudgements.
Matalin "carve up her opponents!?!" Right...her parroting of rovian talking points, endless mistatements and flat out lies, on MTP certainly should be considered a win by neocon fanatics, unfortunately folks, the majority of America is not so foolish as you.
Too unhinged to publish your handle #1:" First hide, then ignore, then lie, then attack the victim, then switch to being humble, then lie some more, then claim there really isn't any story at all and there is something wrong with anyone who thinks there is."
Gawd! Doesn't this sound like the MO of the Democratic left? No, forgot the "distort" description.

Too unhinged to publish your handle #2: noticed how Mrs. Carville carved up Dowdy-girl and the showboater, eh?
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