Monday, October 17, 2005


Japan-Should We Be Worried?

China and South Korea are both pissed and concerned. Should we have similar feelings?

Wait to answer that last question until you read this little item I came across!

I don't think so. Even if Japan decides to re-militarize, I don't see a threat from Japan in the foreseeable future.

I do think America is in for a Terrorist Attack that may well include nuclear weapons, but not from Japan. I think we should be more concerned about Radical Islam.

In any event here's a short story I wrote 10 days prior to 9-11 as an apology to Japan for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Deflowering the Crysanthemum.
I don't think that a significant thereat could be raised by Jaspan-too many Japanese will remember how the US rebuilt their country and installed a democratic form of Govt.

Great poem, btw, EL! Is it published?
That's a big part of it too. America landed a devastating blow on a major portion of the Japanese psyche, but we rebuilt and reshaped their nation as well. Much of what they have today is in part due to America's rebuilding efforts there. Although we should never fail to recognize the fact that the Japanese people deserve a lot of the credit for their success. They are a VERY industrious, and proud people. I personally find their culture fascinating. I doubt the Iraqi's will succeed in rebuilding to the extent that the Japanese have.

The Japanese Warrior class may have slipped into a pseudo irrelevance-- and I'm not even sure that's a fair or accurate accessment --but the heart of the warrior still beats very strong in Japan. I'm very thankful we didn't destroy that as well.

Personally, I think we have more to worry about from China, and more so from N. Korea.

As to the story and poem, no they are not published. I need to find an agent.
Have you spent time in Japan?

My father was in the Navy, I went to kindergarten, first and part of second grade, there. (Yokahama)

I don't remember a lot-but I'm glad to have the great memories from my childhood, there.
No. Japan would be a dream vacation... I'd try to stay off the beaten "tourist" path and visit the country side. Try to see how rice paper is made, visit artists studios. I'd need a few months worth of exploration, to truly satisfy me.

I spent some time in Libya as a kid. My father was Air Force. I have these cool home movies of our trip to Leptus Magnus, one of the only remaining intact Roman cities left. I even have a hunk of Marble from one of the buildings--had to smuggle it out. Even have some volcanic stone from the Azores... another really cool place. Got to see President Nixon there.

The military is good for children. It allows for a more well-rounded education... the more traveled the child, the better the end result as far as education is concerned.
I have pictures of myself as a 6 year-old climbing the slope of Fuji!
It's interesting that you mentioned Libya and the Roman city-I lived on the island of Crete for 2 1/2 years back in the early 70's. It was almost impossible to walk without seeing or stepping over ruins from many civilizations. I miss that. When I was a kid I didn't appreciate it as I should have.
I guess that's my dream vacation-visiting Crete once more.
Neither of us "appreciated" as we should have at the time, we were just kids. But those experiences shaped us.

I wonder, how many liberals did not have the benefit of spending time overseas as children? Is there a correlation between spending time in a foreign country as a child and the Ideology you adopt as an adult?

Probably not, but it might prove to be an interesting study.
A lot of it comes from the ability of a person to think for himself, I think. Maybe foriegn experience plays a part in that. There were times, when a young adult, that I foolishly adopted or at least accepted liberal views. As I matured, my views did, as well.
I was in the Norfolk Va. area from 3rd to 6th grade. I'm grateful for the awesome American history I was taught and experienced first-hand during that period of my life. I believe much of my patriotism is based on that experience.
My love of history, today, stems from that experience, at least!
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